Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Not only is Luke one of the people that i love the most in this world, but he is also one of the few people that i really feel are contributing greatness and beauty in an art world of computers and perverts.  His art seems to reach this really beautiful level of existential exploration where i transcend into his world and can almost hear his questions and answers and philosophies.  You should travel through his website and discover greatness and beauty :

we are currently working on a series of video/photo projects together and here is a preview of some of our explorations:

untitled preview #1 from Natalie Rodgers on Vimeo.

untitled preview #2 from Natalie Rodgers on Vimeo.

AND! HERE ARE SOME EDITORIAL PHOTOS that i just love he took them of me and my lil cute bunz boy jake chamberlain (who is also an amazing artist/human)